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Plates 96-Wells standard
Plates 96-Wells flat, round or conical bottom
Plates 384 wells round or square bottom
Plates 24 wells transparent bottom Krystal
Plates 96-Wells transparent bottom Krystal
Plates 384 wells transparent bottom Krystal
Plates 96-Wells Krystal 2000
Plates Krystal 24, 96 and 384 wells glass bottom
Plates 96-Wells, raised flat, round or V-shaped bottom
Plates 24, 96 and 384 wells for bacteria development
Plates 96 round wells with deep bottom
Plates 96 square wells with deep bottom
Plates square V-shaped wells, large volumes
DeepWell 96-Well reinforced sterile Plates
Krystal™ UV transparent microplates