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Double-wrapped micro spatula
SteriWare® Powder Spatulas
SteriWare® V-shaped spatulas
SteriWare® Cup Spatulas
Detectable spatulas
Detectable micro-spatulas
Steriware Micro-Spatula®
Kit with spoons, spatulas, clamp
Laboratory spoons
Micro-scoop spatulas
Double micro-spoons
Spatulas made from Wironit 18/12 stainless steel
Triangular spoon spatula
Analysis type stainless steel spatula
Spoon gouge spatulas
Stainless steel or plastic spatulas
Double spatulas flat curved tips
Spatulas with wooden handle
Flexible spatulas
Chattaway type double spatulas
Chattaway type spatulas
Double micro-spatulas
Spoon spatula
Spoon micro-spatula
Micro-scoop spatulas
Double flexible spatula
Double PTFE-coated spatulas
Spatula with steel bore
Polypropylene spatula
Sampling spoon
Polystyrene Anti-Static Spatula
Sampling Micro-scoops
V-shaped stainless steel spatula
V-shaped sampling spatulas
Laboratory spatula
Laboplast and Steriplast sampling scoops, spoons and spatulas
Blue sampling spatula
Small Spatulas
Ecological spoons and spatulas
Polypropylene spatula
Double ended spatula for stirring