Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology 184 Contents Locate the main types of applications for our products by following the pictograms: SAMPLE SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS PURIFICATION ELECTROPHORESIS INSTRUMENT MATERIALS Human Cloning Column Chemical Animal Genotyping Amplification Quantification NGS Magnetic purification Plant Micro-organism/virus Electrophoresis Instrument Material Decontamination of surfaces and instruments Collection, transport and storage of nucleic acid samples Nucleic acid electrophoresis Agarose Pre-cast gels Buffers Gel cutting accessories Blotting, hybridization and revelation Membranes and blotting papers for nucleic acids Membranes and blotting papers for proteins Revelation Accessories Reagents and chemicals for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry grades Alternatives to alkylphenol ethoxylate detergents 186 187 to 188 189 to 194 189 to 191 192 192 y 193 193 y 194 195 to 207 195 y 196 197 to 199 200 to 203 204 to 207 207 208