Analysis and Maesurements

Analysis and measurements 359 All prices are indicative and exclude VAT. Visit pH-metry Cat.No. Description € 031242 s2-Meter portable pH meter N/A - 031243 S2-Standard Portable pH Meter Kit with InLab® Expert Go-ISM- IP67 sensor and buffer bags for pH 4.01 / 7.00 / 9.21 and 10.00 N/A - 031244 S2-Field portable pH meter kit with InLab® Expert Go-ISMIP67 sensor, calibration bottle and carrying case uGo™ N/A - 031245 S2-Food portable pH meter kit with InLab® Solids Pro-IP67 sensor, calibration bottle and uGo™carrying case N/A - 031246 S2-Light Portable pH Meter Kit with InLab® Versatile Prosensor N/A - 031247 Portable conductivity meter S3-Meter N/A - 031248 S3-Standard Portable conductivity meter Kitwith InLab® 738-ISM sensor N/A - 031249 S3-Field Portable conductivity meter Kitwith InLab® 738ISM sensor, calibration bottle and carrying case uGo™ N/A - 031250 S3-Bioethanol Portable conductivity meter Kit with InLab® 725 sensor, a conductivity standard 84 µS/cm and a carrying case uGo™ N/A - 031251 DO portable S4-Meter N/A - 031252 S4-Standard portable DO Kit with InLab® 605-ISM sensor N/A - 031253 S4-Field portable DO Kit with InLab 605-ISM sensor, calibration bottle and carrying case uGo™ N/A - Model S2 Seven2Go™ Routine pH meter Ranges of measurement - 2.00 to 20.00 pH - 1999 to 1999 mV - 5.0 to 105.0 °C Resolution 0.01 / 0.1 1 0.1 °C Accuracy +/- 0.01 pH +/- 1 mV +/- 0.5 °C Calibration points 5 Set of predefined pH buffers 4 Model S3 Seven2Go™ Routine Conductivity meter Conductivity 0.010 µS/cm to 500 mS/cm 0.001 ± 0.5 % Temperature - 5 °C to 105 °C 0.1 °C ± 0.2 % TDS compatible Yes Calibration points 1 Model DO S4 Seven2Go™ Routine Dissolved oxygen 0.00 to 99.9 mg/l 0.01 / ± 0.2 mg/l Temperature 0.0 to 60.0 °C Calibration points 2 Automatic/manual pressure compensation Yes hFast, quality data in the field hSimplified menu, automatic probe recognition, calibration reminder system hUser-friendly one-handed operation, easy-to-reach buttons hIP67 protection against dust and water: reliable data, even in difficult environments hSupplied with electrode clip, instructions for use, test report, declaration of conformity and batteries hThe pH kits contain an InLab® sensor and bags of buffer ph (4.01 / 7.00 / 9.21 / 10.00) hConductivity meter kits contain a sensor and bags of 143 µS/cm and 12.88 mS/cm standard solution hDO kits contain an InLab® sensor and zero oxygen tablets Accessories CatNo. Description € 031256 UGo Carrying Case N/A - 031257 Base stand for Seven2Go instrument, for better stability on flat surfaces N/A - 031258 Seven2Go electrode clip and electrode clip covers (4 units) N/A - 031259 Seven2Go wrist strap N/A - 031276 Micro USB to standard USB cable for Seven2Go for PC connectivity or power N/A - 031277 DC wall plug adapter for Seven2Go USB cable, for DC power (Pro instruments only) N/A - Model S3 Mettler Toledo Seven2Go™ Routine portable pH, conductivity and DO meter Enter the Cat. No. on to see the pH measure guide. WEB TIP See page 362 for buffer solutions and standard conductivity solutions