Pipettes - Dispensing

Pipettes dispensing 450 Polypropylene straw pipettes, sterile or non-sterile, non graduated. Ideal for food sampling. Cat. No. 041110 1.1 Yes 190 3.7 / 4.3 25 1000 N/A - 041115 2.2 Yes 240 3.7 / 4.3 25 1000 N/A - 041116 5 Yes 186 6.55 / 7.05 10 3600 N/A - €/ box Units/ box Pack unit. Sterile int/ext ø (mm) Vol. (ml) Long. (mm) Sterile pipettes, on cottoned, non graduated. Safer alternative to Pasteur pipettes. hIn polystyrene hSterile, individual packaging hIndividual packaging hSterile, cottoned hIdeal for thick, viscous liquids or solutions containing particles that can block standard pipettes hIn polystyrene hAvailable in 3 sizes hSterile, bulk or individually wrapped Bulk sterile sterile Individual pack. Volume (ml) Cat.No Units/ bag Units/ box €/ box Cat.No Units/ box €/ box 1 978351 100 400 N/A - 978354 400 N/A - 2 978352 100 400 N/A - 978355 400 N/A - 5 978353 50 200 N/A - 978356 200 N/A - 357558 357501 Plastic pipettes Pyrogenic Sterile suction pipettes Wide mouth serology pipettes Pipettes d’aspiration Falcon® Suction pipettes Straw pipettes Cat. No. Volume (ml) Units/ box €/ box 841413 1 500 N/A - 841414 2 500 N/A - 841415 5 200 N/A - 841416 10 200 N/A - Cat. No. Vol. (ml) Length (mm) ø (mm) Units/ box Units/ box €/ box 357558 2 252 6.3 50 200 N/A - 357501 5 348 8 50 200 N/A - Pipettes in borosilicate Pyrex glass Cat. No. €/ box Volume (ml) Graduation (ml) Pack unit. Length (mm) Units/ box Sterile pipettes, cottoned, single pack 041200 1 1/100 290 1 200 N/A - 041201 2 1/100 290 1 180 N/A - 041202 5 1/10 290 1 120 N/A - 041203 10 1/10 290 1 100 N/A - Sterile pipettes, cottoned, multi-pack 041211 1 1/100 290 50 250 N/A - 041213 5 1/10 290 30 240 N/A - 041214 10 1/10 290 20 120 N/A - Non-sterile pipettes, without cotton, multi-pack 041220 1 1/100 290 50 250 N/A - 041221 2 1/100 290 35 175 N/A - 041222 5 1/10 290 30 240 N/A - 041223 10 1/10 290 20 120 N/A - Corning® Glass pipettes with gradation, single use