Flasks and plastic

Plasticware 844 Cat. No. Units/ box €/ box Bottles only Natural Cat. No. Units/ box €/ box Bottles only Natural Cat. No. Units/ box €/ box Vol. (ml) 3 8-425 048117 100 N/A - 048126 100 N/A - 048135 1000 N/A - 6 13-425 048118 100 N/A - 048127 100 N/A - 048136 1000 N/A - 7 15-415 048119 100 N/A - 048128 100 N/A - 048137 1000 N/A - 10 15-415 048120 100 N/A - 048129 100 N/A - 048138 1000 N/A - 15 15-415 048121 100 N/A - 048130 100 N/A - 048139 1000 N/A - 30 20-410 048122 100 N/A - 048131 100 N/A - 048140 1000 N/A - 60 20-410 048123 100 N/A - 048132 100 N/A - - - - Cap Bottles only White 048100 to 048106 048108 to 048115 Bottles only Caps only Complete with dropper and caps Bottles only €/ box Cat. No. €/ box Cat. No. Complete bottles Natural Complete bottles White Vol. (ml) Ø x H (mm) Units/ bag Units/ box Cap 12 144 3 14 x 49 8-425 048109 N/A - 048101 N/A - 12 144 6 17 x 58 13-425 048110 N/A - 048102 N/A - 12 144 7 19 x 63 15-415 048111 N/A - 048103 N/A - 12 144 15 25 x 78 15-415 048112 N/A - 048104 N/A - 12 144 30 32 x 85 20-410 048113 N/A - 048105 N/A - 12 144 60 39 x 101 20-410 048114 N/A - 048106 N/A - hIn natural or white polyethylene hWith white cap or 5 assorted colours: white, green, red, yellow, blue hWhite polyethylene bottles are designed for light-sensitive samples Volume (ml) Cat. No. € 25 units 4 029470 N/A - 029286 N/A - 029474 N/A - - - 8 029469 N/A - 029471 N/A - 029472 N/A - - - 15 029372 N/A - 029287 N/A - 029473 N/A - 029476 N/A - White LDPE bottle PP assorted caps LDPE tip Cat. No. € 25 units LDPE bottle Assorted PP caps LDPE tip Cat. No. € 25 units White LDPE bottle White LDPE cap LDPE tip Cat. No. € 25 units LDPE bottle White LDPE cap LDPE tip hNatural polyethylene with polypropylene cap and plug Cat. No. Volume (ml) Cap Units/ bag Units/ box 029477 15 20 12 72 N/A - 029478 30 20 12 72 N/A - 029479 60 20 12 48 N/A - 029480 125 24 12 48 N/A - 029481 250 24 6 36 N/A - €/ bag Dropper bottles NalgeneTM Dropper bottles 4 to 15 ml NalgeneTMDropper bottles Wheaton®Dropper bottles TIP Find caps, dropper tips and accessories on www.dulis.nl Dropper bottles, low density polyethylene hIn LDPE hPolypropylene dropper tip and cap in hDeliver one drop at a time hDrop volume: 41 µl +/- 5 µl hNatural or White bottles hWhite colour protects UV-sensitive samples