Media, microbiology and reagents

MICROBIOLOGY Media Microbiology Reagents - Chemicals 567 All prices are indicative and exclude VAT. Visit Microbiology Blood agar Eugon LT100 broth EE Broth Broth for yeast and mould Heart and brain broth Buffered sLB broth CCA (Chromogenic coliform agar) B.E.A - Bile esculin azide (agar) ISO 7899-2 Terrific broth Bryant Burkey with resazurin (broth) Campylobacter (agar) - ISO 10272 / ISO 11133 B.E.A - Bile esculin azide (agar) ISO 10273 B.L.B.V.B. - Milky Broth, Bright Green 2 % See Blood agar See eugon LT100 See mossel Broth See Yeast Mold broth See heart brain broth See sLB broth See E coli - coliform For the selective isolation and identification of enterococci by the membrane filtration method. hStorage 2 - 25 °C (dehydrated base and ready-to-use medium) hIncubation: 36 ± 2° C for 44 ± 4 h Used with glycerol for the culture of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. For Molecular biology. hStorage: 2 - 25 °C hIncubation: 30 °C ± 2 °C for 18 - 24 h hStorage: 2 - 25 °C hIncubation: 37 ± 2 °C for 7 days For the isolation of Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter laridis. hStorage: 8 - 25 °C hIncubation: 41.5 °C in a microaerobic atmosphere during 44 ± 4 h For the isolation and identification of enterococci and the study of esculin fermentation by Yersinia. hStorage: 2 - 25 °C hIncubation: 35 ± 2 °C for 18 - 24 h hFor the detection of Yersinia enterocolitica according to ISO 10273: 30 °C for 24 h hAddition of 10 ml of sodium lactate 50% hISO 10272 hTo be reconstituted in 5 ml sterile distilled water Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777186 Dehydrated medium for B.C.P. lactose agar - Condalab 500 g N/A - Cat. No. Description Pack. € 693351 100 ml bottle for Bromocresol Purple Lactose Agar - ClearLine® 10 N/A - Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777505 Dehydrated medium Terrific broth - Condalab 500 g N/A - Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777207 Bryant Burkey dehydrated broth medium with resazurin - Condalab 500 g N/A - Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777213 Dehydrated medium for Campylobacter agar - Condalab 500 g N/A - Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777776 Supplement for Campylobacter agar - Condalab 10 vials for 500 ml N/A - Cat. No. Description € 143307.1211-ITW Sodium Lactate 50% - 1 litre bottle N/A - Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777191 Dehydrated medium for B.E.A. agar (bile esculine azide agar) - ISO 7899-2 - Condalab 500 g N/A - Cat. No. Description Pack. € 693352 100 ml bottle of B.E.A. agar (bile esculin azide agar) - ISO 7899-2 - ClearLine® 10 N/A - Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777189 Dehydrated medium for B.E.A. agar (bile esculin azide agar) - ISO 10273 - Condalab 500 g N/A - Cat. No. Description Pack. € 777201 Dehydrated medium broth, bright green 2% - Condalab 500 g N/A - Dehydrated base Ready-to-use media Dehydrated medium Ready to use Supplement Supplement B.C.P. -Bromocresol Purple Lactose Agar - ISO 21528 Differential medium to guide the identification of lactose-fermenting and non-lactose-fermenting Enterobacteriaceae. hStorage: 2 - 25 °C (Dehydrated medium and ready-to-use medium) hIncubation: 35 ± 2 °C for 18 to 24 h For the detection of coliforms in water and food hStorage 2 - 8 °C hIncubation: 30 - 37 °C for 24 - 48 h