The Dutscher group brands

36 Media Microbiology Reagents - Chemicals Eugon LT100 (broth) Fraser Half Fraser For the enrichment of micro-organisms. Recommended for the enumeration of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, yeast and moulds and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus. hStorage : 2 - 25 °C hIncubation : 30 - 35 °C for 24 to 72 h For the detection and enumeration of Listeria in food products. hStorage : 2 - 25 °C (for the base) and 2 - 8 °C (for the ready-to-use medium) hIncubation : 30°C ± 1°C for 24 hours ± 2 hours For the detection and enumeration of Listeria in food products. hStorage : 2 - 8 °C hIncubation (according to standard 11290) : 30 °C for 25 hours ± 1 hour Ready-to-use media Ready-to-use media Ready-to-use media Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693409 10 ml tube of Fraser broth in accordance with ISO 11290-1 - ClearLine® 100 NC - Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693460 225 ml bottle of Half Fraser broth - ClearLine® 6 NC - 994512 5 litres pouch of Half Fraser broth - ClearLine® 55 NC - Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693300 9 ml tube of eugon broth LT100 - ClearLine® 100 NC - 693401 90 ml bottle of eugon broth LT100 - ClearLine® 10 NC - Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693356 DG18 Agar 100 ml bottle - ClearLine® 10 NC - For the detection and enumeration of yeasts and moulds in dry products with an aw ‹ 0.95. hStorage : 2 - 8 °C in the dark hIncubation : 25 °C for 5 days in a humid aerobic atmosphere DG18 agar Lactose sulphite (broth) For the culture of coliforms and salmonella in water, food, dairy products. hStorage : 2 - 8 °C hIncubation : 46 °C for 18 - 24 h Ready-to-use media Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693314 8 ml tube of Durham broth lactose sulphite - ClearLine® 100 NC - 693408 9 ml tube with Durham bell broth lactose sulphite - ClearLine® 100 NC - Kligler Hajna (agar) Cat. No. Description Pack. € excl. VAT 693436 Kligler Hajna Agar Slant Tube - ClearLine® 100 NC - For the presumptive identification of enterobacteria based on the fermentation of glucose, lactose, sucrose and the production of gas and H2S. For the detection of salmonella in food and dairy products. hStorage : 2 - 25 °C in the dark hIncubation : 37 °C for 18 - 24 h V.R.B.G. (Violet Red Bile Glucose) V.R.B.L. (Violet Red Bile Lactose) Ready-to-use media Ready-to-use media Recommended for the detection and enumeration of sulphite-reducing clostridium spores in food products. hStorage : 2 - 8 °C hIncubation : 37 °C for 24 - 48 h Cat. No. Description Units/ box € excl. VAT/ box 693421 20 ml tube of Meat & Liver agar, complete - ClearLine® 6 NC - 693392 100 ml bottle of Meat & Liver agar, complete - ClearLine® 10 NC - Liver meat (Agar) VRBG agar is recommended for the detection and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae in foods. hStorage : 2 - 25 °C in the dark hIncubation : 30 - 35 °C for 18 - 24 h Cat. No. Description Units/ box € excl. VAT/ box 693393 100 ml bottle of V.R.B.G. agar - ClearLine® 10 NC - 853077B V.R.B.G. contact box 20 NC - Cat. No. Description Units/ box € excl. VAT/ box 693394 100 ml bottle of V.R.B.L. agar - ClearLine® 10 NC - 853074B V.R.B.L. contact box 20 NC - VRBL agar is recommended for the detection of coliforms in food and dairy products. hStorage: 2 - 25°C in the dark hIncubation : 30 - 35 °C for 18 - 24 h Escherichia coli Salmonella gallinarum Microbiology