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Selecteer de optie die bij u past in het "Bestemming” vervolgkeuzemenu
360° rotating shaker PTR-35 and PTR-60 Grant-Bio
IKA KS130, KS260 and HS260 orbital and back and forth shakers
Digital orbital or back and forth shaker
Pro 30 back and forth shaker
Intelli-Mixer RM-2 blotter and vortex mixer
Roto-Shake Genie
Movil-Tub roker shaker
Movil-Rod rotating shaker
Bellco Mini Tube Roller
Rotating shaker with drum
Genie rotating shakers
Tube Revolver
TubeRoller Tilting roller
Roller oscillating roller mixer
Loopster carousel rotating shaker
Trayster overhead shaker
Thermo Scientific Tube Revolver
Kahn back and forth shaker
MX-RD-E vertical rotator
Rotating mixer ClearLine®
Programmable rotator ClearLine®
BenchMixer XLQ Rotary Stirrer
Ohaus Two-Way Shaker
Compact two-way mixer KS 15 B and KS 15 B control
Cole Parmer rotary carousel shaker Series TR-200
Combined rocker and rotary shaker Roto-Rock Genie
Two-way shaker SK-L180-S
Rotary shaker with carousels RX-RD-Pro