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CryoGen® Box 1D and 2D ClearLine®
CryoGen® polycarbonate cryoboxes with lid and numerical grid
Storage box for microtubes
Alveolus boxes for 81 cryotubes
Boxes for cryotubes with gridded insert
Cryoboxes Tall Tube
CryoFreeze storage racks
Freezer storage box for 144 PCR tubes 0.2 ml
Polycarbonate freezer box for 5 ml microtubes
Storage box Nunc
Storage box for microtubes
Box 64 microtubes MicroMax 100
Cryoboxes for storage - 25, 81 or 100 tubes
Storage cryobox Nalgene
Polycarbonate freezer box for 5 ml microtubes
Cryo boxes polycarbonate with hinged lid
Polycarbonate Cryoboxes
Storage - Transport - Coolers
ClearLine® 1D Barcoded Cryotubes
Labels and label support