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Sampling shovel
Detectable long handle shovels
Detectable scoops
Organic long handle scoops
SteriWare® sampling scoops
Steriware stainless steel shovel® Pharmascoop
Steriware shovel® Pharmascoop
Steriware shovel® long handle
Steriware shovels® Foodscoop
Measuring scoops
Ice or powder scoop
Ice scoop
Sampling scoops
Laboplast and Steriplast sampling scoops, spoons and spatulas
Blue sampling shovel
Detectable measuring scoops
Colour Scoops
White Scoops
Sampling shovel with bag
Sampling shovel with container
Laboplast and Steriplast sampling scoops, spoons and spatulas
Stainless steel scoops
Aluminium scoops
Weighing scoops