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Nunc Inserts

Chamber LAB-TEK 16-well

Culture chamber with 2 x 8 wells fixed on a 26 x 76 mm glass microscope slide.

• Numerous applications in immuno-chemical studies of cell cultures
• Economy of reagents and media
• Once the chamber has been removed a 22 x 74 mm coverslip can be used

Nunc Cell culture Inserts

• For microplates
• Polycarbonate membranes
• Treated and tested for cell attachment
• Simple culture for most types of cells without coating by matrix
• Applications: transport, toxicity test, chemotaxis study, electronic microscopy
• Non-toxic
• Packaged in Nunclon multiwell plates
• In resealable bags
• Non-pyrogenic
• With gripping tabs

Flaskette and Slide flask Nunc

Small culture flask, sterilised by gamma irradiation, welded onto a 26 x 76 mm microscope slide. Two types of culture support: Nunclon culture-treated plastic slide (this support enables cell binding but excludes the use of organic solvents) and the glass slide. After culturing the flask is easily removed from the slide onto which the cells may be attached and dyed. A 18 x 50 mm glass coverslip may be used.