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Cell culture plates

Corning® Ultra-Low attachment (ULA) spheroid microplate

Microplates with spherical wells geometry and ultra-low attachment surface .

Corning® multicoated microplates

Allows for testing of 6 different culture coatings on the same plate.

Corning® multiple well cell culture plates

• Individual alphanumerical codes for well identification, flat bottoms
• Plate type: standard clear
• Treated for optimal cell attachment (except where noted)
• Corning® CellBIND® surface is a novel cell culture treatment that increases surface wettability for more even and consistent cell attachment
• Sterile
• Ultra-Low Attachment surface plates feature a covalently bound hydrogel layer that minimizes cell attachment, protein absorption, and cellular activation
• Corning Osteo Assay surface is an inorganic crystalline coating, creating a surface that mimics in vivobone-like, for in vitro bone cell culture and assays
• Pyrogen free