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Onmogelijk toe te voegen.Uw mandje bevat een vergrendelde offerte en moet worden voltooid voordat u andere items kunt bestellen.Toevoegen aan het winkelmandje...Artikel tegevoegd aan het winkelmandje
Applications: • Concentration, purification and desalination of biological solutions: proteins, enzymes, antibodies, viruses, immunoglobulins • Elimination of "primers" (PCR), amino acids, nucleotides • Highest filtration surface enables excellent flow rates and quick concentrations to be obtained • Low adsorbent materials and anti-drying out system for a maximum recovery rate • Sloping membranes, single or double, parallel to the centrifugal force: no clogging, greater efficiency • Highest concentration factor: between 120 and 400 times depending on the unit types
200 cm² ready to use ultrafiltration unit which can be re-used. One single cassette can be used for treating samples from 500 ml to 2.5 litres. Two cassettes in parallel will concentrate up to 5 litres or more.
• Horizontal membrane design • Concentration of diluted DNA samples with increased yields (+ 90 %) thanks to the Hydrosart® membrane • Re-spin for quantitative recovery of the concentrate: easy to remove re-spin cap • Vivacon 2: adapted to standard rotors for Falcon® 15 ml tubes • Vivacon 500: adapted to standard rotors for 2.2 ml centrifuge tubes