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Onmogelijk toe te voegen.Uw mandje bevat een vergrendelde offerte en moet worden voltooid voordat u andere items kunt bestellen.Toevoegen aan het winkelmandje...Artikel tegevoegd aan het winkelmandje
Used with Finnpipettes, they optimise precision... Compatible with all brands of micropipettes, Finntips offer excellent tip quality, a full range of presentation and guaranteed precision and reproducibility which are the source of their excellent reputation and success. All the sterile Finntips are certified endotoxin, DNA, DNase and RNase free (standard tips with filter and Biocon). Model ext.: extra-long.
• AVG System (Advanced Volume Gearing, new mechanism for volume adjustment): ensures a very high level of accuracy and repeatability • Large display ''Ergovisio'' • Finger rest which ensures the perfect pipetting angle and user comfort • Materials which are highly resistant to reagents and UV rays • For EC marking micro-tip