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Onmogelijk toe te voegen.Uw mandje bevat een vergrendelde offerte en moet worden voltooid voordat u andere items kunt bestellen.Toevoegen aan het winkelmandje...Artikel tegevoegd aan het winkelmandje
Medical grade sterile capped bottles. Suitable for storage, transport and freezing of vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, culture media and other biotech materials.
• Compactable patented system • Container for fluid management • 2 litre capacity • Metric and Anglo-Saxon graduation, increments of 50 ml • Can be compacted to less than a third of its height, easy to send when empty by post for remote treatment or use outside a laboratory • Saves 75% of the volumes of the containers to be transported • Reusable • Medical use, for fluid sampling at home • For external samplings such as water tests in differentiated media
• Highly transparent polycarbonate • Supplied with linerless polypropylene caps • Practical square or round design • Heavy duty and durable in use, autoclavable at 121 °C