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Onmogelijk toe te voegen.Uw mandje bevat een vergrendelde offerte en moet worden voltooid voordat u andere items kunt bestellen.Toevoegen aan het winkelmandje...Artikel tegevoegd aan het winkelmandje
• Can be placed on any magnetic stirrer • 2 arms • Adapted for all tube types from 0.2 ml to 50 ml • The rotation speed is adjusted via the speed intermediary of the magnetic stirrer • 2 types of stirring depending on the position of the arm: rotation or back and forth • Rotation angle can be adjusted up to 10 ° • Maximum stirred volume: 4 x 50 ml per arm • The arm support is mounted using a magnetic system • The tube support can be placed in parallel or perpendicular to the rotation axle • No electrical components
For round bottom containers. PTFE-coated magnetic stirring bars. They have an axle pivot without a ring and an ovoid shape which means they can be used for round bottom containers and flasks. Their hexagonal profile reinforces the turbulence.
• Magnetic removal bar • Magnet in a polystyrene cover • Practical for recovering magnets from all types of containers without immersion in the liquid • Enables recovery of magnets with a length up to 80 mm
• Ideal for viscous solutions • Suitable for high speed stirring • PTFE coated • The octogonal shape reinforces the effect of stirring and turbulence • The pivot ring reduces friction and maximises the stirring
• ALNICO, one of the most powerful magnets available • PTFE coated • Withstands temperatures up to 250 ° C • Octagonal shape with pivot ring enhances stirring effect even with viscous solutions