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Water purification system

RiOs-DI 3 system

Produces analytical quality pure water (type II) directly from drinking water, up to 10 l/day

Very compact system for the production of high quality pure water, equivalent to distilled water thanks to the reverse osmosis technology linked with demineralisation resins. Water produced is stored in an internal reservoir. For routine applications for preparing buffers and reagents, microbiological culture media, rinsing or the supply of ultra pure water systems
Easy to maintain: one single SmartPak cartridge includes the pre-treatment, osmosis membrane and polishing on ion exchange resins. Easy replacement within 1 minute, 1 to 2 times per year.
Standalone: as an example, the SmartPak guarantees the purification of around 1200 litres of water (with a conductivity of feedwater = 400 µS/ cm and dissolved CO₂ = 10 ppm).

Sartorius Arium MiniI Ultrapure Water System

• Produce ASTM Type 1 ultrapure
• Recommended for daily needs of less than 15 litres per day (for higher needs, contact us)
• Purification by adsorption using activated carbon, catalyst, reverse osmosis, ion exchange and membrane filtration
• Compact and easy to use system
• Touch screen display showing water quality, water temperature and bag volume
• French interface, intuitive with assistance to change the consumable
• Possibility of manual filling or precise volumes programe
• Water supply Required, different depending on the model
• The Arium Mini Essential system is to be completed with a deionization cartridge and a final filter
• The Arium Mini system is to be completed with a deionization cartridge, a bag and a final filter
• The Arium Mini Plus system is to be completed with a deionization cartridge, a bagand a pre-treatment cartridge
• Optional: UV Lamp (185 /254 nm) to reduce the TOC rate

Bagtank Technology
• Water storage in a 5 l bag after passing through a pre-treatment cartridge
• Easily replaceable bag to avoid biofilm formation
• Pressure compensation in the bag to prevent air from entering and avoiding contamination
• Bag does not need to be cleaned

RiOs osmosis water purification system™ 3, 5 and 8

• General and non-critical laboratory applications or as a pre-treatment to feed ultra pure water systems
• Easy installation, connection to mains water
• Models available with flow rates from 3 l/h to 8 l/h
• Internal tank 6 l or external tank 30 l or 50 l
• Compact system that can be installed on a bench or mounted on a wall
• The system is to be completed with a SmartPak cartridge, installation and eco-tax.

Osmosis water purification systems RiOs™ Essential 5, 8, 16 and 24

• Type 3 RO water production, ideal for glassware rinsing, hydroponics, water baths and feeding humidifiers, autoclaves, glassware washers and ultrapure water systems
• Intuitive operation and LCD display of water quality parameters
• Models available with flow rates of 5, 8, 16 and 24 l/h
• Simplified operation and maintenance: automated self-maintenance, alerts for consumable change, easy and coordinated cartridge replacement
• The system is to be completed with the consumable, a 30, 60 or 100 litre tank, the installation and the eco-participation

Direct-Q water purification systems® 3, 5 and 8

• Production of osmosis water (type 3) and ultrapure water (type 1) for basic needs, directly from city water
• Models available with flow rates from 3 l/h to 8 l/h
• Internal storage tank 6 l or external storage tank 30 or 60 l
• Can be directed to a dispensing pump to supply equipment such as a glassware washer
• For applications more sensitive to bacterial contaminants, a dual wavelength UV version is also available
• Compact system that can be installed on a bench or mounted on a wall
• The quality of the ultrapure water can be refined by specific terminal filters (removal of bacteria, particles, pyrogens, nucleases, endocrine disruptors or TOC)
• The system is to be completed with the consumable, installation and eco-tax.

Milli-Q ultra pure and pure laboratory water purification systems® IQ 7003/05/10/15

• Production of type 2 pure water and type 1 ultrapure water directly from mains water
• Models available with flow rates of 3, 5, 10 or 15 l/h and storage tanks of 25, 50 or 100 litres
• Connects to the ergonomic E-POD and Q-POD ultra pure water dispensers, equipped with an interactive touch screen
• The PODs are equipped with an intuitive touch screen with direct display of the quality of the water delivered and the possibility of programming the volume
• Several dispensing functions accessible directly from the gun wheel
• Can be connected to up to 4 PODS for quick and convenient access to pure and ultrapure water anywhere in your laboratory
• Simplified data management: create distribution reports, view data directly on screen or export to a USB stick
• The quality of the ultrapure water can be refined by specific terminal filters (removal of bacteria, particles, pyrogens, nucleases, endocrine disruptors or TOC)
• Eco-responsible design: ech2o UV technology® without mercury, no hazardous waste, reduced cartridge, water and energy consumption
• The system is to be completed with the consumable, a 25, 50 or 100 litre tank, the Q-POD, the installation and the eco-participation.

Simplicity Ultra Pure Water Purification System®

• Compact and portable system, ideal for Type 1 pure water requirements of less than 5 litres per day
• Consists of a removable 2l tank to be filled with pre-treated water (by distillation, deionisation, or reverse osmosis)
• No plumbing connections required
• Alphanumeric display on backlit colour screen of water quality and maintenance operations to be carried out
• For applications more sensitive to bacterial contaminants, a UV version of the Simplicity system® is also available
• The quality of the ultrapure water can be refined by specific terminal filters (removal of bacteria, particles, pyrogens, nucleases, endocrine disruptors or TOC)
• The system is to be completed with the consumable, installation and eco-tax.

Synergy ultra pure water purification system®

• Designed for laboratories that already have purified water and need a point-of-use system that provides Type I ultra pure water
• Production of Type I pure water from a connection to a pre-treated water line or produced by an Elix or RIOS system
• Compact system, easy installation on a bench or wall mount
• Alphanumeric display on backlit colour screen of water quality and maintenance operations to be carried out
• For applications more sensitive to bacterial contaminants, a UV version of the Synergy system® is also available
• The system is to be completed with the consumable, installation and eco-tax.

Production and distribution of ultrapure water for elemental ultra-trace analysis Milli-Q® IQ Element

• Production of ultra pure water of analytical quality, suitable for the most demanding trace element and ultra trace analyses such as ICP MS, GF-AAS and IC
• To be supplied with ultrapure water from a Milli-Q® IQ 7000 or Milli-Q® IQ 7003/05/10/15 system
• Equipped with a touch screen to view the water quality, program the volumes to be distributed and print reports
• Possibility of dispensing via a foot pedal, to avoid touching the unit and limit the risk of contamination
• Compact, easy to install without risk of contamination under a laminar flow hood or in a clean room
• Data management system for monitoring and storing water quality data
• Simplified maintenance: alert for consumable change, easy cartridge replacement
• The system is to be completed with the consumable and the installation