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Heat sealers for plates

Manual heat sealer ALPS 30

• Compact (dimensions: 220 x 250 x 230 mm)
• Lightweight (approximately 4 kg)
• Fast heating: features LED indicator lights showing when the unit is heating
• Ergonomic
• Includes: Deepwell plates and blocks adapter, 96-well PCR plates adapter and standard-height 96- or 384-format plates

Sealer MicroSeal

Heat sealer for sealing PCR 96 and 384 well and deepwell plates. Compatible with a large range of storage plates and deepwells.

Semi-automated plate sealer

Semi-automatic sealer with variable temperature and time settings for repeatable plate seals.
Offering complete versatility, it will accept a full range of plates for PCR, Deepwell, SBS-format plates or storage applications.

a4S automatic roll heat sealer

Thermo-scelleur automatique, compatible with une très large Range de plates PCR 96, 384 or de plates de storage, y compris les plates 1536 Well (format SBS).