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Selecteer de optie die bij u past in het "Bestemming” vervolgkeuzemenu
ClearLine® Filter tips, sterile, racked
Graduated tips ClearLine® on hinged lid rack
One Touch™ tips
Filter tips Mµlti
Eppendorf ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S. and ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S. SealMax
MBP ART filter tips
Sterile filter tips Finntips Thermo
Finntips tips without filter
Filter tips Gilson
Filter tips Sartorius Biohitfamily
Special filter tips
Sterile tips (individually packaged)
NEPTUNE filter tips
Filter tips Aerosol Labcon
TREFF universal tips
Brand Tips
Labcon filter tips
Neptune filter tips
Sapphire Greiner Bio-One universal tips
Qualitix® Socorex Tips
Gilson AmpliPur Expert filter tips
Universal tips
ClearLine® Prime filterless and filtered tips on hinged rack
Pointes sans filtre et à filtre ClearLine® pour micropipettes LTS