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Selecteer de optie die bij u past in het "Bestemming” vervolgkeuzemenu
Polypropylene or polyethylene transport vials
Tubes with ventilated covering cap
Single use tubes Nunc
Storage tubes V-shaped bottom
Storage tubes 25 ml Nunc
Bijou flask 7 ml Sterilin
Tubes with screw cap Greiner Bio-One
Universal container with skirt 30 ml Sterilin
Sample tubes
Skirted tube 12 ml
Freestanding skirted tubes 5, 10 and 12 ml
Tubes (pots) non-capped
Flat bottom self-standing tubes
Polycarbonate culture tube
Round bottom PP or PS tubes
Conical bottom PP or PS tubes
Tubes 10-16-19 ml with screw cap
Tubes with round or conical bottom
PS or PP tubes with flat bottom
5.0 ml tubes with screw cap
Greiner Bio-One 5 ml tubes
Tubes for flow cytometry
Wheaton universal bottles
Noex tubes
Polystyrene tubes
Polypropylene tubes
PMMA tubes
Urine test tubes
Eppendorf BioBased Tubes